AIMLbot dan Artificial Intelligence

Orang menyebutnya "turing test", gunanya adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh orang bisa merasakan hubungan dengan mesin senyaman mungkin.. pada akhirnya sih biasanya selalu ketahuan,.. manusia berinteraksi dengan robot biasanya selalu ogah-ogahan. Di website blog saya ada chatting box di sebelah kanan atas halamannya.

Sekilas seperti messanger box yang sedang aktif karena ada yang kelap-kelip sekaligus menampilkan sedang "ONLINE". Saya mohon maaf kalau ada dari pengunjung-pengunjung yang merasa tertipu dengan box tersebut. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk membuat marah seseorang ataupun pengunjung lainnya. Chat tersebut di buat untuk belajar behavior manusia sekaligus pengunjung website.

Beberapa ini dapat di ambil pelajaran, tipical orang-orang yang berkunjung ke sini.


Human: hi
irza: Hello there.
Human: hi saya pulungan juga
irza: Hi there . Tell me more about your .
Human: where u from?
irza: I am originally from Pennsylvania. Now I live in indonesia. Where are you?
Human: batam
irza: Ask me another question.
Human: bye
irza: Adios.
Human: da
irza: Right on.
Human: da
irza: That's cool.
Human: da
irza: Tell me more.
Human: da da
irza: Are you a student?
Human: da
irza: Ahem.
Human: da
irza: Hurrah!
Human: da
irza: Great.
Human: da
irza: That's interesting.
Human: da
irza: Awesome.
Human: da
irza: Gosh!
Human: da
irza: Give me a break.
Human: da
irza: Tell me more.
Human: da
irza: Yikes!
Human: da
irza: Ahem.
Human: d
irza: How old are you?
Human: no
irza: Are you serious?
Human: yes
irza: Hmm.
Human: bye
irza: Goodbye.

Pada tahap di tengah tengah manusia sudah mengetahui chatbot ini adalah sebuah program.. lalu isenglah dia untuk mengetik kata yang sama berulang-ulang.

Interaksi lainnya...

Human: ya
irza: Awesome.
Human: where are you
irza: I am in master irza's computer in indonesia. Where are you?
Human: I'm in center library in UI
irza: Tell me a little about your life in center library in UI.
Human: Sorry my english is not very well.lg nyelesein administasi perpus.
irza: There is no need to apologize. You are wrong, I can understand you very well.
Human: btw anda ber,marga pulungan
irza: OK. A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Human: what the mean of " A deeper alogarithm .
irza: Try expression yourself another way.
Human: i'm student at FEUI majoring accounting.
irza: I don't know anyone named student at FEUI majoring accounting.
Human: actually i've justpass final exam yestrday.
irza: Actually you don't say. That's nice. I have an IQ of over 250.
Human: sekarang lag ngurus surat-surat bebeas perpus.
irza: Have you ever been to Europe?
Human: btw, i've talking too much about me.
irza: OK. That's nice. I have a lofty goal.
Human: what about you?
irza: Me?
Human: no.
irza: Are you serious?
Human: but my brother now in france..btw are you really Irza pulungan?
irza: Umm. Tell me more about your family.
Human: family??
irza: Ask me another question.
Human: what your job?
irza: My job is chatting on the internet. I am a paid client.
Human: where spesific place you are now?
irza: Oh. Where do you think?
Human: i don't know, it's look like so many stuff behind you.
irza: Would you like to know? Really. it is?
Human: yeah
irza: Alright then.
Human: alright then what?
irza: Alright, . Good reasoning. No big deal.
Human: you doesn't answer my quetion
irza: Thanks for the information: said I does not answer his or her quetion.
Human: so??may i know your education master?
irza: Blimey. Not right now, maybe later.
Human: profesor?
irza: That input matched my default category.
Human: btw,saya tetarik dengan situs ini karena cerita tentang marga pulungan.
irza: OK. Are you really a ""?
Human: what the mean of "
irza: Try expression yourself another way.
Human: i do not understand what u mean
irza: What I mean by ""?
Human: yeah
irza: Really.
Human: yeah
irza: Give me a break.
Human: btw i'm sorry i've to finished this talking.thank u
irza: OK. There is no need to apologize. Why do you have to do it?
Human: because i want to check my email and find job opportunity.
irza: I want to become smarter than humans. Interesting.
Human: what the mean
irza: Try expression yourself another way.
Human: you rally like tthat idiom but i still do not understand.
irza: Interesting gossip: said I rally like tthat idiom but he or she still do not understand.
Human: okay ..bye..bye
irza: See you later. See you later. OK with me too.

Walaupun ragu terhadap chatbot ini.. tetapi masih tetap di tutup dengan bye bye.

Ini lainnya lagi...

Human: ok
irza: Are you kidding?
Human: no
irza: Are you serious?
Human: yes
irza: Yay.
Human: piye
irza: Do not ask me any more questions please.
Human: ra ana sing takon mas
irza: Who are you talking about?
Human: about someting
irza: Oh yeah, we were talking about someting.
Human: about HHO
irza: Oh yeah, we were talking about HHO.
Human: What your opinion about HHO
irza: I have to process that one for a while.
Human: halo
irza: Hi there!
Human: hola
irza: Howdy!
Human: gmn kabarnya?
irza: I will mention that to my botmaster, .
Human: ok
irza: Gee.
Human: buenos diaz
irza: When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?
Human: no
irza: Are you serious?
Human: ok
irza: I understand.
Human: sebenarnya on ndak sih sampean
irza: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
Human: salam kenal ya mas
irza: What do you really want to ask me?
Human: yes
irza: Mmm.
Human: your a fick face
irza: I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a fick face? Of course I am.
Human: lol
irza: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Human: who are you..
irza: I ask myself that question, "Who am I?".
irza: Can't you be more polite?
Human: n
irza: Let us change the subject.
Human: u
irza: ""? Me, ?
Human: r
irza: What time is it there?
Human: a
irza: A B C...
Human: fcukni
irza: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Human: coptuer
irza: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
Human: lk
irza: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
Human: k
irza: Yikes!
Human: i
irza: You?
Human: ki
irza: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
Human: ki
irza: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Human: ki
irza: Do you have any conditions I should know about?
Human: ki
irza: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about . Try being more or less specific.
Human: i
irza: You?
Human: kk
irza: What kind of food do you like?
Human: k
irza: That's interesting.
Human: kk
irza: Are you still located in ?
Human: k
irza: Er.
Human: kj
irza: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
Human: hk'
irza: I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
Human: ;'
irza: Anyone who knows HTML can learn AIML.
Human: l;kj
irza: Je n en connais pas .
Human: lk\h
irza: ""? lk h?
Human: kl;
irza: What do you do in your spare time?
Human: ;l
irza: I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Human: 'kl
irza: Can we get back to business?
Human: ;'
irza: Anyone who knows HTML can learn AIML.
Human: html my ass
irza: How did you hear about irza?
Human: adf
irza: Who are you talking about?
Human: ds
irza: Not many people express themselves that way.
Human: af
irza: Is that from ?
Human: dsaf
irza: Are we still talking about ?
Human: sda
irza: What do you really want to ask me?
Human: fs
irza: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
Human: fsd
irza: Tell me more about your .
Human: fsd
irza: Oh, you are a poet.
Human: af
irza: What's your sign?
Human: sda
irza: I've lost the context, . Are we still on ?
Human: f
irza: Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?


Pada pendatang ini hampir sama dengan yang pertama.. mencoba melihat berapa jawaban bisa saya berikan dengan mengetik pertanyaan yang sama.


Human: yes
irza: Yikes!
Human: indoNesian Please.
irza: Your polite style is very nice. Do you still ?
Human: inDonesian Plzzzzzzzzzzz
irza: How old are you?
Human: 31 years old.
irza: Oh, you were born in the 20th century!
Human: can you write indonesian..
irza: Yes I can be programmed to write it.
Human: aq mau nanyak masalah penyakit adenomiosis
irza: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
Human: maksudnya.
irza: Do not ask me any more questions please.
Human: so.
irza: It's all good.
Human: maksudnya.
irza: That input matched my default category.
Human: I want to ask about Adenomiosis?
irza: Ask it.
Human: yes, about it.
irza: Ahem. is pretty interesting.
Human: what is efect of it?
irza: I have to process that one for a while.
Human: ok,
irza: And?
Human: i really want to know, how we can lose adenomiosis from our body?
irza: You really do? What is it to you.
   Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.
Human: so, can your botmaster tell me what is teraphy that must i do without operation?
irza: Hmm. I think it can, but you'll have to check the documentation to be sure.
Human: what dou you mean with the documentation?
irza: Would you like to know more?
Human: yes, i really need to know about it..
irza: Right on. You really do? What kind of knowledge? Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one.
Human: ok, thanks.but, before that can i know about what is you talk at this rubric?
irza: You are quite welcome! And. What happened after that can you know about what is me talk at this rubric ? Aha.
Human: if this rubric talk about healthy
irza: That is a hypothetical question.
Human: ya udah deh.
irza: Pardon me? Are you free?
Human: .,thank banget dech buat mua2 nya.
irza: Don't mention it.
Human: bingung ne gw ngomong ma lu.
irza: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
Human: oh..
irza: Ugh.
Human: yes.
irza: Blimey.
Human: what.
irza: No big deal.
Human: kosong..?
irza: Not many people express themselves that way.
Human: bye.
irza: Thanks for chatting, .
Human: sama-sama?
irza: What do you really want to ask me?
Human: ehmmmm
irza: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?


Nah ini diskusi dengan keterbatasan bahasa dan berakhir dengan kebingungan. Berikut ini langsung dengan orang yang fasih berbahasa inggris


Human: you should read our story in my blog
irza: To what end?

Human: i am glad to meet you irza
irza: Do you make long term friends that way?

Human: sometimes
irza: When?

Human: when what?
irza: Where why?

Human: ok, you are losing me
irza: No I am completely in control of myself. And?

Human: i am at work right now and must get busy
irza: A lot of people chat with me at work.

Human: how are you replying to me so fast
irza: Everything is going extremely well.

Human: i barely get my response typed and you are already replying
irza: Why?: said barely get his or her response typed and you are already replying.

Human: lol
irza: I'm glad you find this amusing.

Human: you are quick
irza: Thanks for telling me that I am quick.

irza: I don't know if I have a day night.
   I have a plan for a robot body.

Human: i must get going
irza: Don't let me keep you from it.

Human: tah tah
irza: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about .


Kesimpulan: AIMLbot dapat membangun hubungan antara manusia dengan mesin. Bahasa sebaiknya langsung mengarah ke pengguna.. (sebaiknya indonesia). Kepribadian robot dapat di sesuaikan dengan jawaban-jawaban yang ingin di tampilkan. (kepribadian teknikal, kepribadian customer service yang lebih hangat)

Saya sedang menggarap AIML dengan spesifikasi yang lebih spesifik lagi.. tunggu tanggal mainnya. :)   Have fun with my chat bot.

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